
I had heard little about this wild and crazy film but felt it had to be worth a look.  I zipped in for a late morning matinee on the heels of getting my teeth cleaned.  The theater was in the neighborhood!

Tim Miller who is best known as an animator and visual effects artist makes his directorial debut here and it is unique and memorable.

Starring Canadian Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern, Adventureland, Woman in Gold), “Deadpool” is nonstop funny, violent, obscene and altogether entertaining.  Deadpool’s sexy love interest Vanessa is ably played by Morena Baccarin best known for her role as Damian Lewis’s wife on “Homeland”.  The two have good chemistry on screen and some fun back and forth exchanges.  This is not your average superhero flick.  Miller takes it to a new level and throws in a lot of “adults only” language so it is definitely not for kids and deserves its R rating.

The opening credits are fresh and different and they set the audience up nicely for the ride.  The message is clear.  Nothing here is serious; relax, enjoy, laugh and please come back for the sequel since there will surely be at least one.

The chase scenes, fights and general chaos are well filmed and will keep your attention.  Reynolds is perfectly cast as the kind of bad guy superhero.  He delivers his lines crisply and with comedic ease.

There is a surprise “gratuitous cameo” which adds to the fun and the mystery “she” plays along well with the whole crazy escapade.

If you are looking for an out of the ordinary film to escape for a few hours you won’t go wrong with “Deadpool”.  I had a good time and look forward to the next chapter.

If down in the gutter language offends, you may want to pass but otherwise go for it.

About jerryduck47@yahoo.com

Born in Boston's South End where I spent my early childhood. I remember going to matinees at The National Theatre where for ten cents I could sit in the balcony and enjoy two feature films, a cartoon and a serial. Those were the days! We moved to Western Mass (the country) and I completed my education through college there. I served in the U.S. Army with the 101st Airborne Division and went on to work for Bristol Myers Squibb for thirty years; traveling all over he world. Since retiring, have lived in Tallahassee, Fl and Leesburg, VA while raising our youngest son, Jake. My wife, Jennifer and I currently split our time between homes in Florida and Maine. We have three great kids (Shawn, Shannon & Jake), two wonderful kids "in law" ( Jenn & Steve) and five amazing grandchildren (Connor, Shana, Sophia, Bodie, & Sully). Hope this site offers them an opportunity to see another side of "Dad", "Jerryman" and "Grandpa"! Since retire

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