“The Disaster Artist”

“Ed Wood” eat your heart out! I have to admit that I had never heard of Tommy Wiseau or his film “The Room”. I am a big fan of James Franco and decided to catch an early showing of his directorial debut. What a treat it is.

Franco plays the mysterious and strange Tommy Wiseau, who amazingly managed to produce a film in which he played the lead in 2003. No one seems to know where Wiseau came from nor where he managed to gather the cash to make the film. But indeed he did,and now “The Room” enjoys late night screenings across the country in “Rocky Horror” fashion. I have yet to see it but is on my “must do” list.

Back to “The Disaster Artist”. Franco cast his younger brother Dave as a fellow aspiring actor he met in acting class. They desperately want to make it in the movie world and Greg Sestero (Dave Francos) is weirdly impressed with Tommy’s leave it all out there acting style. Tommy’s attempt at Stanley Kowalski’s “Stella,,,” scene is one for the ages.

After failing to garner any semblance of success Tommy decided to write his own script. He amazingly gets a taker for it but they insist in Hollywood style to want to dramatically change it, a notion the artist in Tommy cannot abide.

Off he goes with his sidekick, checkbook in hand, and hires a crew to make his breakthrough film. Million of dollars later Tommy’s masterpiece is in the can.

The premiere scene is priceless. James Franco is brilliant in the role and proves that he belongs behind the camera as well.

Stick around as the credits role for a special treat! I just noticed that the film received two Golden Globe nods, James Franco for Best Actor and for Best Picture. I am not surprised. If you like out of the ordinary movies, check this one out.

About jerryduck47@yahoo.com

Born in Boston's South End where I spent my early childhood. I remember going to matinees at The National Theatre where for ten cents I could sit in the balcony and enjoy two feature films, a cartoon and a serial. Those were the days! We moved to Western Mass (the country) and I completed my education through college there. I served in the U.S. Army with the 101st Airborne Division and went on to work for Bristol Myers Squibb for thirty years; traveling all over he world. Since retiring, have lived in Tallahassee, Fl and Leesburg, VA while raising our youngest son, Jake. My wife, Jennifer and I currently split our time between homes in Florida and Maine. We have three great kids (Shawn, Shannon & Jake), two wonderful kids "in law" ( Jenn & Steve) and five amazing grandchildren (Connor, Shana, Sophia, Bodie, & Sully). Hope this site offers them an opportunity to see another side of "Dad", "Jerryman" and "Grandpa"! Since retire